Throughout the site, I throw around the pronouns "I" and "we" a lot. When I say "I," that means me, Yvette Beaudoin, aka Vetters, the one who runs the show. I am responsible for nearly all of the content and design of the site. When I say "we," I am usually referring to the large network of friends and online acquaintances who have made contributions to in the form of ideas, constructive criticism, technical advice, and emotional support. These are some of those people and their geek stereotypes.
Benjamin Smith (My inspiration and the Mr. to my Mrs.*)
Tom Bolenbaugh (SCA & Everything Else Geek)
Ted Brengle (Gaming & Sci-fi Geek)
Susan Burchardt (Science Geek)
Brianna Cole (English Geek)
Kris Cole (Star Wars Geek)
Liz Frost (Cultural Trivia & Mensa Geek)
Sam Gordon (Math and D&D Geek)
John Phillips (All-knowing Astrophysicist Geek)
Mike Ringenbach (Gaming and Computer Geek)
Monique Beaudoin (Nerdoscience Geek)
Mala Bhattacharjee (Fanfic Geek to the max)
Judith Bolenbaugh (SCA & Library Science Geek)
Bryan Bowden (Literature & Comics Geek)
Jon Calig (Political Science Geek)
Anne Carenbauer (SCA and Chemistry Geek)
Steve (aka Steev) Gadlin (Quirky Humor Geek)
Noah Ginex (the Muppet Geek I wish I could be)
Stephanie Hoerner (Stage Manager Geek)
Jessica Slusher (Grrl Geek)
Ashley Smith (SCA and History Geek)
Chad Wilson (SCA and Gaming Geek)
Frank Delandshere (translated the Geek Test into French)
James Nicholls (creator of the original tallying JavaScript)
Stephan Scholz (translated the Geek Test into German)
anonymous (translatd the Geek Test into Italian)
My support group on the Palisades Toys forum, which doesn't exist anymore.... though remnants can still be seen at Creatus Maximus.
Anne-Marie Beaudoin
Gerry Beaudoin
Emily Dugan
Patrick Giusto
John Jelenic
Teri Jelenic
David Kajganich
Kevin Shuller
Not everyone who deserves special thanks is on here for one reason or another. Please don't be offended. This list is not final.
* Just don't ever call me "Mrs." I prefer Ms.